Discover How We Help Companies Gain Exposure and Save Money via Our Marketing & Bookkeeping Services

Services We Provide


Jason’s my name and I hope you’re doing well. And I hope to meet you!

I have been in marketing and sales for just over 10 years where ultimately my role has been to produce for other companies and generating revenue for them.

I have not only produced for other companies as a W2 (an employee), I have also been successful in producing for companies my wife and I own and have owned.

We can be helpful to you and your businesses in the areas of paid media management, lead generation, email follow up- marketing campaigns, branding, customer success and service, copywriting (how to sell in writing), creating sales funnels, and sales training. We can narrow down and create a workflow with you to produce more positive results.

Let’s connect and see where we should start with either getting your business off the ground- and if it already is… let’s see what we can do to elevate your business into generating more revenue moving forward!


My name is Stacy and I head our Bookkeeping division here at 

I would like to mention that when choosing to work with us regarding your Bookkeeping needs, you not only get me, however… you also get Jason as well!

We both are certified ProAdvisors at Quickbooks Online. This provides double the attention to your books being handled and managed accordingly.

When it comes to our Bookkeeping services… we’ll categorize them each week, continually keep them clean, reconcile, and send you financial performance reports each month so you can see how you’re doing.

We also are very high communicators… meaning, we are always ready to answer any questions you may have regarding your bookkeeping so you may handle your business elsewhere, swiftly!

ON-DEMAND EXPOSURE: While maintaining your in-person networking efforts, we will manage your online paid marketing campaigns and force your business, and your brand in front of your future customers.

Watch your business grow larger each month in your local area, becoming the number one goto for your industry!

PRESENCE & FOLLOWUP: Having an online presence for visitors to become aware of who you are while quickly building trust and rapport is incredibly important. Reason being is because there will always be competitors within every industry. Setting yourself apart from the rest while being genuine is a skill.

As simple as it may look, it does require an understanding of how to connect and present in a that is gravitating. This is where we come in!

eSIGN AGREEMENTS: Once at the stage of your new customer committing to working with you, it’ll be important to have all expectations of your service transparent and out in the open.

Before commencing with service, providing an eSIGN AGREEMENT for your customer to sign with your branding and customization, agreeing to terms projects further trust, rapport, and professionalism.

BOOKKEEPING: At an affordable price, we will handle your bookkeeping needs. Everyone here at is certified ProAdvisors at QuickBooks Online where we’ll be thorough and swift while cleaning up and organizing your books and aiming to save you money towards your bottom line. You will also receive weekly and monthly reports reflecting your expenses, revenue, and profit earned!

Let us spend our time and energy on keeping your books clean and up to date so you can take your time and energy elsewhere more valuable. Obtaining more business and taking care of your current clients.

Currently for a short time, our second tier, “Plus Plan” is 50% off for the first three months and it comes not only with cleaning up your books, maintaining them, and with advanced reporting… it also has a very unique and effective marketing aspect to it for elevating your capital, revenue, business production.

Sharing Our Successes with Others While Helping Others Succeed

Starting a business or taking one to a higher level can seem daunting and extremely difficult. We completely understand… we’ve been there, and we’re still presented with challenges often!

What we have found to remedy – overcoming challenges in business & entrepreneurship are many things, however, one principle assists more than all others. Being united with other entrepreneurs who experience similar hurdles while overcoming them together!

Here at RENEW inbound – as a community, a tribe if you will, we not only are there for one another to bounce ideas off of and filter ideas through… we also coach/teach the many different aspects that are necessary while operating in business as an entrepreneur.

Services We Provide